October 13, 2021 2023-09-10 10:43Results
Getting A grade made easy
With tutoring from top American teachers.
Tutor-led live classes
A++ certified tutors
Learn anytime, Anywhere
The Right Match Guarantee!
The first session is covered by Powerkid’s Right Match Promise. We guarantee that you’ll get the best tutoring and online guidance. If you aren’t happy, you don’t have to pay for the session.
Through innovative teaching methods and tailor-made courses, Powerkid drives your kid to success.
Rhea - Raised her grade from B to A+
Mike - Moved two grades ahead to A
Hillary- Peforms Math calculations at 5X speed
With state-of-the-art tutoring from top American tutors, we boost your kid’s
- Ability To Accomplish More.
- Confidence Level To Excel In Academics.
- Communication Skills And Fluency
Your Kid Deserves Nothing Less Than The Best. Don’t Let Him Fall Behind In The Class.
Love your first session, or it’s for free.
See What Parents Have To Say
Passionate tutors!
“We tried many different online classes for different subjects. I have never seen such dedicated, passionate tutors. They are the kind of teachers that every kid dreams of. I would strongly recommend”
Oliver Beddows
Parent of Grade 4Love PowerKid!
“I am noticing an improvement in my daughter’s confidence in taking exams and doing her homework . Her teacher is amazing. I love PowerKid!”
Madley Pondor
Parent of Grade 9Best bet ever!
“Very knowledgeable tutors. After attending the Abacus classes at Powerkid, my kid who was super-afraid of Maths, learnt to perform calculations at great speeds. Now, he is a top performer in his class and I am super proud of him”
Mina Hollace
Parent of Grade 7Quality tutoring!
I admitted both of my kids at PowerKid. Tutors did an outstanding job and they assessed areas that my girls required assistance, made plans and then tutored them to improve their grades. I would definitely recommend PowerKid if you are looking for online tutoring.